Our mission

Jeunesse Lambda is a community organization created by and for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer and questioning youth aged 14-30 years old. We organize evenings of discussions and activities which aim to make space for healthy socialization through the exploration of various topics of interest to the community we serve, considering its multiple realities.


Our three main goals:



To organize thematic and structured meetings around designated topics in order to promote mental and physical health, and to break isolation amongst 2SLGBTQIA+ youth.


To accompany our participants through the process of accepting their sexual orientation or gender identity.


To use educational programs to spread awareness regarding prejudice and discrimination experienced by 2SLGBTQIA+ youth.


Jeunesse Lambda is a community organization created by and for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer and questioning youth aged 14-30 years old. We organize evenings of discussions and activities which aim to make space for healthy socialization through the exploration of various topics of interest to the community we serve, considering its multiple realities.


Our approach


By and for

all staff, administrators and volunteers at JL are youth from the 2SLGBTQIA+ communities. The commonalities in terms of experiences, realities and definitions between practitioners and participants foster a bond of trust and solidarity.


Based on the work of Kimberlé Crenshaw, Patricia Collins and bell hooks, intersectionality aims to understand the relationship between various systems of oppression (racism, sexism, classism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, fatphobia, etc.). Therefore, experiences of discrimination, violence and oppression do not add up, but intertwine and influence each other. Finally, intersectionality is not only a theoretical framework, it aims for resistance and liberation through action, practice and intentionality.

Risk reduction

This is an approach based on the idea that we need to support and reach people where they are at rather than pressuring them to conform to our opinions, what we think they should or should not do, think, feel, etc. We are open to all issues, and we are open to the idea that we need to work with people who are not in the same position. We are open to all topics (substance use, self-harm, suicidal ideation, eating disorders, dysphoria, questioning, etc.), without judgement and we will only offer you resources if you ask for them; nothing will be forced upon you.


An intervention perspective that aims to follow people on their individual journey of gender affirmation, and to facilitate access to different forms of transition (medical, social, legal) according to their needs. The issues of self-determination and recognition of the person are central, because, according to this approach, only the person concerned is in a position to define and affirm their gender identity. We do not believe that it is necessary to want to transition in any way to be trans / non-binary / any other non-colonial gender identity.

History of the Organization

From what we were able to gather from the Jeunesse Lambda archives, the organisation Lambda Youth would have been founded by Nigel Crawhall along with five other youths from the Ville-Marie CLSC in 1976. However it is only following the separation between the francophone and anglophone branches of the organisation that Jeunesse Lambda concretely came to life. Our very first event occurred on september 11th, 1987, when we welcomed seven youths around a discussion on the topic of friendship. This is generally understood to be the birth date of the organisation. Numerous generations of participants and administrators have succeeded each other since, each bringing its own memorable moments, solid relationships, pizza dinners and controversy to the table.


It is interesting to mention the creation of the Social Intervention Committee (CIS) by Luc Jutras, Marc Guay, Michel Marynad, Sylvie Beloche, Marcel Chénier et Robert Asselin which will eventually become the GRIS that we know today. The organisation Aux Prismes is also one of Jeunesse Lambda’s “babies”, and our adminstrators have been involved in the creation of Interligne (formerly Gai Écoute). For a while we have had our own printed newspaper (La Plume Androgyne) and a blogspot (which is now closed, unfortunately). We have also been awarded numerous prizes at the Allostar galas. When the time came we launched our website, a Facebook page and an Instagram account. Our events started to include more free drop-ins, cooking our own meals, and discussions and workshops around trans and nonbinary realities.


In 2007 we celebrated our 20th anniversary at Club Bolo, a gay country dance club. In 2017 we hired our first employee in order to organize our 30th anniversary at Atomic Cafe, and the theme was a queer reappropriation of prom night. Eventually we moved from the CLSC to the LGBTQ+ community centre on rue Plessis, and then in 2013, following the creation of the Coalition des Groupes Jeunesse LGBTQ+, we moved to l’Astérisk on rue Atateken (formerly rue Amherst), where we are still currently located with our housemates Projet 10 and AlterHéros. Lastly, as recently as 2018, we received recurrent funding through the Programme de Soutien aux Organismes Communautaires (PSOC), which demonstrates that the government trusts us enough to fund the survival of our organisation in the long run.

Our team


Board of Directors

Lambda Youth’s board of directors is made up of former participants who have been elected by current participants in the annual general assembly (A.G.A.), or who have been coopted by other board members during a monthly meeting. They work voluntarily in order to take care of different duties related to administrative management, the logistics of weekly events, intervention with youth, space maintenance and various other projects.

To reach the board : ca@jeunesselambda.com

External Affairs Director :
Lau (he/she)

The External Affairs Director’s mandate is external representation and partnerships of the organization, wich means acting as the legal representative of the organization, co-writing annual reports, handling partnerships, promotion and external representation.

This is a person with a good knowledge of the organization, who has generally held another position on the Board and is willing to remain involved for the long term.

Internal Affairs Director :
Charlie B. (they/them)

The Internal Affairs Director’s mandate is to ensure good administrative management of the organization, which means organizing and leading the monthly meetings of the Board of Directors, supervising the execution of the various mandates, files and priorities and ensureing training and knowledge sharing.

This is also a person with a good knowledge of the organization and who has generally already held another position on the Board.

Treasury :
Aurélie (she/her)

The treasurer's mandate is to manage the financial and material resources of the organization, which means closely following the finances, establishing certain forecasts and budget recommendations, writing the financial statements as well as the tax returns.

This is a person who wants to be involved for the long term since the tasks to be accomplished are necessary for the survival of the organization.

Youth Delegates (2) :
17 years and younger: Audrey (she/her and stuff)
18 years and older: Pénélope (she/her)

The youth delegates mandate are to represent Jeunesse Lambda’s the members and participants. Their role is to anchor the board’s directives in the issues that are important to our participants directly. Although the entire board of directors corresponds to our ‘‘by and for’’ criteria, the youth delegates must be regular participants themselves.

There may be up to two youth delegates at a time. One delegate aged 17 and younger that acts as a non-voting member of the board and one delegate aged 18 and older who is a voting member of the board.

Julianne (she/they)

The secretary's mandate is to ensure the legality of the organization, which means drafting of agendas and minutes of the Board of Directors' meetings, counting the members who can vote at the AGMs, managing complaints, organizing the archives and all other related tasks.

Free Administrators (2):
Tyler (he/they) and Aïrie (she/her)

The free admins’ mandates are to support their colleagues in their duties, as needed, which means offering assistance when possible, attending meetings and trainings, reflecting on one's interests and skills, learning more about the organization, asking questions, and reading certain documents.

There may be up to two free administrators at a time. Most admins start as free admins before getting elected or co-opted to other positions.


Lambda Youth’s employees are people from our communities (2SLGBTQIA+, 18-30 years old) who have been hired by the to perform the tasks outlined in their contracts.

Intervention Coordinator :
Maxim·e (they/them)

Our intervention coordinator’s mandate is to be in charge of the planification and logistics of our activities, workshops and discussions, including our larger-scale event like ComicCon and Pride. This person is also responsible for the recruitment, training and supervision of all interns, volunteers and Discord moderators. They manage the inventory of our Litteraqueer library and our clothing exchange. They offer individual active listening sessions, support and referencing towards other ressources such as those pertaining to social, medical and legal transition. They can guide youth through their name and gender marker change and the swearing in of the requests. Additionally, the intervention coordinator participates in kiosks held in school and community events as well as moderate and manage our Discord server.

To reach Maxim·e: intervention@jeunesselambda.com

Communication Coordinator

Our communication coordinator’s mandate is to manage our main email inbox, maintain all of our social media platforms as well as create visuals and promote our activities through these platforms. They are also our first point of contact for Jeunesse Lambda’s participation in research projects.

To reach us: info@jeunesselambda.com

Sexology intern :

Our sexology intern’s mandate is to offer active listening sessions to the youth who express the need to talk. They can also offer sexological advice and can educate our participants in matters related to sexuality, transitioning and the development of healthy relationships.

To reach Sandrine: stagiaire@jeunesselambda.com

Administrative Coordinator :
Charlie (they/them)

Our administrative coordinator's mandate is to be in charge of the administrative side of the organization, which means assisting in the recruitment, integration and training of the team, managing human resources for the employees, monitoring the budget and diversifying the sources of funding, maintaining the trans heath services (gender gear program, hair cuts, emergency financial aid), supporting the organization's regular programming, co-managing communications and promotion, managing the space, participating in events promoting the organization and its services to youth and the general public, and creating and maintaining partnerships with other organizations.

To reach Charlie: admin@jeunesselambda.com

Trans Services Coordinator :
Lou (they/them)

Our trans services coordinator has the mandate to foster a good relationship with the participants, to offer spontaneous active listening sessions or through an appointment. They also manage our gender gear programe and can answer questions related to the social, medical and legal transition process. Additionnally, they aid in the organization of the drop-ins and participate to community events.

To reach Lou : trans@jeunesselambda.com

Kitchen Coordinator :
Alyx (they/them)

Our kcithen coordinator is responsible to plan and cook the meals served every friday drop-ins.

To reach Alyx: cuisine@jeunesselambda.com

Annual reports